How to create an international CV

Increase your chances with an international résumé

Importance of a good CV
A CV is your business card and gives a company a first impression of your qualifications. A company will decide to invite you (or reject you) for a job interview based on your CV. Therefore its extremely important to have a well-structured CV.

Guidelines of Europass
Your personal profile is also your online CV Still it is appreciated if you send a CV created in Word along with your application letter to a company. For an international placement it is important to stick to the international guidelines that are created by Europass.

The Europass CV
Everyone that wants to use our services can start by filling out his or her Europass CV. The Europass CV is a European standardform by which every citizen can specify his qualifications and skills. You can update this CV everytime you gain new experience.

The Europass Language passport
The Europass Language passport clearifies the overview of your linguistic skills. Linguistic skills are of essential importance for learning and working in Europe. The Europass Language Passport is designed by the European Council as a part of the European language portfolio.
